Welcome to the MacCorkindale Library!

I am Ms. Young, your Teacher Librarian.  You can find me in the library Tuesday-Friday.  During the other blocks, you can find me in the French room teaching one of my favourite subjects – le français! I am super excited to connect with you and chat about your latest reads, your quest to finding the perfect book and how to access the best resources for your school projects.

We are so blessed at MacCorkindale to have access to so much technology and resources! Our library is filled with a great selection of books, including some of the best classics and newest reads!  I’m so excited to embark on this journey with you and see you develop a love for reading.

What makes my job so exciting is that I get to work with so many students!  As a Teacher Librarian, I am always collaborating with different teachers and grades to develop engaging and exciting units and projects.  I’m also here to help you implement technology in your school projects, help you filter out the junk, find the gems and teach you how to access information in safe and secure ways.  This blog can be the showcase for all of your amazing projects and achievements!

In Dr. Seuss’s book, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut, he says “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”  Words and wisdom is what this man’s got!  I can’t wait to help you find that book that will transform you and hear about your thoughts and insights.  You are then invited to write a book review and submit it to me to be posted on the Book Review section of this blog.  Let’s inspire together!

Read-y? GO!


Feel free to set up a time to chat about your greatest reads, although I may be all book-ed up! =)


Your Teacher Librarian,

Ms. Young

6 thoughts on “Welcome to the MacCorkindale Library!

  1. I was a student at MacCorkindale between 1968 and 1970. I have many happy memories of the school – but it was the library and the librarians that made the greatest impact on my life. At MacCorkindale I learnt to feel good just being surrounded by books and comfortable chairs. Even today, every time I turn the first page of a new book (or Kindle file) I still think back to your library. I now live in Spain and have tried hard (and with some success) to teach my children to see books as an essential and exciting part of their lives. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you so much for all your hard work, Ms. Young. Jay is growing to love reading more and more each day. He brings home at least 3 books each day and tells me what a kind teacher you are!

  3. Merci, Mademoiselle Young! Thank you for helping me with the iMovie project! Are the presentations still on Tuesday?

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