Grade 5: Simple Machines

Week One:

  1. Login to your Prezi account.
  2. Click on “New Prezi” and choose a template that suits your topic: in this unit, you will have to answer 4 questions, so choose a template that has four frames.  *Remember, you can add additional frames to each main frame if you need to down the road.
  3. Using the books provided in the library, explore these five simple machines: lever, wedge, pulley, axle, and wheel.
  4. Choose one simple maching to focus on for your project and add your title into your prezi.
  5. Using the books provided, define your simple maching and type your definition into the first frame.  You will need to reference the book that you use.  Use this online tool and Cut and Paste the completed reference after your definition.

Week Two:

  1. Check your Prezi that you have completed a definition of your simple machine in your own words, and have included the reference for your information (Book citation or URL).
  2. Insert 4 images from Google Images that are examples of your simple machine. *Hint* You could add 4 new frames (1 frame for each picture) to the main definitions frame by clicking on “New Frame” and then click “Image Only.”

Week Three:

Selling Your Simple Machine

  1. Research the advantages of your simple machine.  Think about why your customer might want to use your simple machine (lifting, pulling or carrying heavy loads) and how it would make their lives easier or better. In Volvo advertisement, for example, they are highlighting their belief that their cars are safe cars to drive by saying that it gives you, “Peace of mind.”  Include this information in a short explanation below your advertisement.Volvo Ads-3
  2. Think of a catchy slogan.  Here are some examples of car advertisement slogans:
    • Break through – Cadillac
    • Eye it – try it – buy it! ~ Chevrolet
    • Designed for living. Engineered to last. ~ Ford
    • Never follow. ~ Audi
    • Relieves gas pains. ~ Volkswagen
    • The power of dreams. ~ Honda
    • The ultimate driving machine. ~ BMW
    • Volkswagen. Drivers wanted. ~ Volkswagen 
    • Zoom-Zoom. ~ Mazda
  3. Combine your advantages, slogan and an image together into a frame in your simple machines’ prezi. 
  4. Remember to reference where you get your information and idea.

Week 4

Describe the ways we use your simple machine in everyday life.  Give at least 5 examples and choose at least 3 pictures and put these into a frame in your prezi.

Week 5

For the next few weeks you will be working on an experiment that explores your simple machine.

  1. Find an experiment that interests you and that explores your simple machine.
  2. Together with your partner collect the materials you need to conduct your experiment.
  3. Practice doing your experiment and see if it works.
  4. Have a classmate film you and your partner doing the experiment with an iPad. (If you do not have your media consent signed then you can film your partner instead)
  5. Upload the video onto your prezi in the last frame.

10 thoughts on “Grade 5: Simple Machines

    • Hi Daniela,
      Week 5 is not on there because we have given you time to catch up. Use the checklist we provided and make sure you are answering all of the questions. If you have extra time, you could add a bonus section, like interesting facts about your topic, or a YouTube clip that relates to your project.
      Have a good weekend!
      Mrs. Ewing

  1. I finished the project at my house but marga wasn’t here
    So I did it by my self but it’s okay if marga did not help me
    Because the project was easy to do it took me about half
    An hour to do the project by my self thank you.

    Sincerely – Daniela 🙂

  2. please don’t blame Marga for it because she could not make
    it to my house because her mom said no so please do not
    blame Marga or please don’t separate us because Marga
    could not make it.

    Sincerely – Daniela 🙂 😉 B) ❤

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